職稱 |
副教授 |
主要學歷 |
英國瑞汀大學(Reading of University UK)
主要經歷 |
現職 |
教學專長 |
內外科護理領域、身體評估、老人護理、實證護理 |
學術期刊 | - Szu-Ying Lee, Sheng-Miauh Huang, Chia-Tai Hung, Su-Chen Fang. The Relationship between Psychological Distress and Sleep Quality Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults: the Moderating Effect of Gender.. JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH. Vol.33(1):e372. Feb. 2025. (SCI/SCIE)
- Szu-Ying Lee, Yu-Wei Fang, Chieh-Yu Liu.. Depression and Quality of Life in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: A Mediation Analysis of Handgrip Strength and Demoralization.. JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH. Vol.32(6):e361. Dec. 2024. (SCI/SCIE)
- Szu-Ying Lee, Shu-Fen Hsu, Yu-Pin Lin, Wei-Ju Lee, Heng-Hsin Tung. Oral frailty interventions in older population: A Systematic Review Study.. Aging Medicine and Healthcare. Vol.1:1-7. Mar. 2024. (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
- Chen, C.P., Lee,S.Y, Tsay, S.L., Tung, H. H.. Resilience, activities of daily living, and well-being in patients with chronic kidney disease. Nursing Open. Vol.10:7759-7766. Oct. 2023. (SCI/SCIE)
- Ping-Ho Chen, Su-Chen Fang, Szu-Ying Lee, Wan-Ling Lin, Shu-Feng Tsai, Sheng-Miauh Huang*. The Effect of Physical Activity on Body Constitution and Psychological Health in Older Adults: Evidence From an Analysis of a Biobank Research Database.. JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. Vol.31(3):465-473. Jun. 2023. (SCI/SCIE)
- Yi-Chen Wu, Shu-fen Shen, Szu-Ying Lee , Liang-Kung Chen, Heng-Hsin Tung. The effectiveness of mind-body approaches for enhancing resilience in older adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS. Vol.109:e104949. Jun. 2023. (SCI/SCIE)
- Sheng-Miauh Huang, Su-Chen Fang, Szu-Ying Lee, Pei-Jung Yu, Chen-Jung Chen, Yan-Si Lin. Effects of video-recorded role-play and guided reflection on nursing student empathy, caring behavior and competence: A two-group pretest-posttest study. Nurse Education in Practice. Vol.67:e103560. Jan. 2023. (SCI/SCIE)
- Yen-Ling Huang, Lee,S.Y, Heng-Hsin Tung, Li-Ning, Peng, Liang-Kung Chen. Leisure activities and well-being among older adults with possible sarcopenia and multimorbidity. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.16(4):379-383. Oct. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
- Lee,S.Y, wuteyu, Chieh-Yu Liu. The Effects of Pain, Agitation, Delirium, Immobility, and Sleep Disruption Education on Novice Nurses in Adult Intensive Care Units. Healthcare. Vol.10-No.8:e1538. Aug. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
- Hsu,S.F, Lee,S.Y, Hsu,T.F, Li, J.Y, Tung, H.H*. Patient navigators for transition care of heart failure: A systematic review and Meta-analysis. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.16-No.2:76-82. Apr. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
- Shu-Fen Shen, Lee,S.Y, Heng-Hsin Tung, Shu-Fen Hsu. Effect of Negative Life Events and Resilience on Health Status of Older Adults with Possible Sarcopenia: A Qualitative Research.. International Journal of Gerontology. Vol.15(4):367-371. Oct. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
- Lee ,S. Y., Tung, H. H., Liu, C.Y., Wei, J., Chen, L.K.. Tangible dynamic changes in resilience, nutrition, and leisure activity of older patients with cardiovascular disease and possible sarcopenia: A longitudinal study.. ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS. Vol.95:e104416-e104416. Aug. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
- Wei, C. W., Wu, Y. C, Lee, S. Y., Tung, H. H.. Workplace spirituality in nursing: A systematic review.. Aging Medicine and Healthcare. Vol.11-No.3:74-81. Jun. 2020. (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
- Lee, S. Y, Lu, L.C, Tung, H. H, Wei, C.W, Wu, Y.C, Liang, S.Y.. Exploring the experience of returning to society in heart transplant receipts. Aging Medicine and Healthcare. Vol.11(1):27-34. May. 2020. (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
- Szu, Ying Lee, Heng-Hsin Tung, Li-Ning Peng, Liang-Kung Chen, Ching-I Hsu, Yen-Ling Huang. Resilience among older cardiovascular disease patients with sarcopenia. ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS. Vol.86:e103939. Jan. 2020. (SCI/SCIE)
- 魏倩雯, 蔡秀鸞, 梁淑媛, 李思瑩, 童恒新。 膀胱癌存活者之健康促進生活型態及其相關因素探討。 台灣專科護理師學刊。 6卷-12期:24-36。 12月 2019。 (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
- Heng-Hsin Tung, Szu-Ying Lee, Sophia H. Hu, Hui-Ching Lin, Shih-Ping Tseng, Liang-Kung Chen. Development of Integrated Care Certification Program in Taiwan. Aging Medicine and Healthcare. Vol.10-No.3:117-119. Aug. 2019. (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
- Szu-Ying Lee, Heng-Hsin Tung, Chieh-Yu Liu, Liang-Kung Chen. Physical Activity and Sarcopenia in the Geriatric Population: A Systematic Review. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. Vol.19-No.5:378-383. May. 2018. (SCI/SCIE)
- 許碧珊, 陳睿安, 陳御左, 巫翰明, 李思瑩, 賴仲亮。 在宅醫療觀點分享。 護理雜誌。 65(1)卷:5-10。 2月 2018。 (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
- Lee, S. Y, Pei-Hung Liao, Ching Ying Huang. Comparison of the effectiveness of hand hygiene intervention in student nurses.. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection. Vol.48-No.2:145-145. Jul. 2015. (SCI)
- 顏岑芳, 邱飄逸, 李思瑩*。 一位食道弛緩不能症病人術後照護之護理經驗。 新臺北護理期刊。 15卷-2期:133-143。 9月 2013。 (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
- 李思瑩. 一位肝細胞癌末期患者接受安寧療護之護理經驗. 馬偕學報. Vol.9:1-18. Sep. 2011. (臺灣其它具同儕審核機制之期刊)
- 李思瑩, 廖珮宏。 急性胰臟炎合併肋膜積水病患之照護經驗。 長庚護理。 22卷-1期:132-141。 3月 2011。 (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
| 研討會 | - Szu-Ying Lee, Su-Chen Fang. Moderating effect of gender on the relationship between psychological distress and sleep quality among middle-Age and older adults.. 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2023. Mar. 2023.
- Szu-Ying Lee. The Effects of Pain, Agitation, Delirium, Immobility and Sleep Disruption Education on Difference Clinical Ladder Nurses in Adults’ Intensive Care Units.. The 7th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science (7th WANS). Oct. 2022.
- 李思瑩, 吳德玉。 提升加護單位護理人員應用台灣版成人重症PADIS治療評估之成效. 第卅七次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流會. 10月 2021.
- Szu-Ying Lee, Heng-Hsin Tung, , Liang-Kung Chen. Tangible dynamic changes in Health Status of older patients with cardiovascular disease and possible sarcopenia: A longitudinal study. Sigma's 32nd International Nursing Research VIRTUAL Congress. Jul. 2021.
- Szu-Ying Lee, Heng-Hsin Tung, Liang-Kung Chen. The Difference in Resilience, Leisure Activity and Nutrition Between Older Adults With Probable Sarcopenia and Without Sarcopenia.. TWICN2020. Sep. 2020.
- Lee, S. Y, Tung, H.H. Leisure Activities in Sarcopenia Geriatric Population with Heart Disease-A Trajectory Research. 2019 ICN. Jun. 2019.
- Szu-Ying Lee. Resilience among sarcopenia older adults. 2017 3rd Asian Conference for Frailty and Sarcopenia (ACFS). Oct. 2017.
- Lee, S. Y., Tung, H. H。 Life experience of heart transplant in Taiwan-A qualitative research. 台灣整合照護學會第一屆第四次會員代表大會暨學術研討會(TAIC). 12月 2016.
- Szu-Ying Lee. Leadership Challenges for Advancing Doctoral Education in Nursing,Investigation of the effectiveness of Article Retrieval and Application course in information search and literature writing for nursing students.. 19th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS). Mar. 2016.
- Szu-Ying Lee. An Evidence-based Review of factors associated with Papanicolaou Smear Practice in Women in Taiwan. 2015 The 6th International Conference on Community. Health Nursing Research (ICCHNR). Aug. 2015.
- 李思瑩. Knowledge and Attitude of Student Nurses in a Nursing College in Hospice Care. 第11屆亞洲及太平洋區安寧療護會議(APHC). Apr. 2015.
- 李思瑩. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Hand Hygiene Intervention in Student Nurses. The 7th International Congress of the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control. Mar. 2015.
- 李思瑩。 輔助療法用於乳癌病患照護之成效-以實證為依據探討. 第二屆上海國際護理大會暨護理技術與用品展示會. 9月 2014.
- Szu-Ying Lee。 Hospital Nurses Turnover and Job Satisfaction in Taiwan: A Critical Review of the Literature. 2014亞太地區護理研究會議論文發表(APNRC). 9月 2014.
| 計畫 | 計畫起訖年月 | 計畫名稱 | 擔任職務 |
2024-08~2025-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款(B)_MMC-RD-113-1B-P012_李思瑩 | 主持人 | 2023-08~2024-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款(B)_MMC-RD-112-1B-P011_李思瑩 | 主持人 | 2023-08~2024-07 | 教師校內專題研究計畫(C)_MMC-RD-112-1C-P003_李思瑩 | 主持人 | 2023-01~2023-12 | 產學合作計畫_COFxMMC-RD-111-1D-P005_李思瑩_應用「居家腎利運動Web App」之介入對慢性腎臟病合併可能肌少症患者之握力、步行速度與健康狀態之成效-第二年計畫 | 主持人 | 2022-08~2023-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款(B)_MMC-RD-111-1B-P006_李思瑩 | 主持人 | 2021-09~2022-08 | 應用「居家腎利運動Web APP」對慢性腎臟病合併可能肌少症患者之握力、步行速度與健康狀態之成效探討 | 主持人 | 2021-09~2022-08 | 應用「居家腎利運動Web APP」對慢性腎臟病合併可能肌少症患者之握力、步行速度與健康狀態之成效探討 | 主持人 | 2021-03~2023-12 | 慢性思覺失調症患者症狀嚴重程度、衰弱、睡眠品質與認知功能與照顧者負荷之相關性探討 | 協同主持人 | 2020-07~2021-02 | 中高齡代謝症候群患者之休閒活動、用藥配合度與家庭支持之相關性研究 | 主持人 | 2020-07~2021-02 | 中高齡代謝症候群患者之休閒活動、用藥配合度與家庭支持之相關性研究 | 主持人 | 2020-01~2020-12 | 提升成人加護單位護理人員應用台灣成人重症PADIS治療評估於臨床照護之成效 | 主持人 | 2020-01~2020-12 | 提升成人加護單位護理人員應用台灣成人重症PADIS治療評估於臨床照護之成效 | 主持人 | 2018-10~2021-10 | 代謝症候群之營養狀態、休閒活動、藥物使用之護理指導系統開發及其成效探討 | 主持人 | 2018-08~2021-07 | 新聘教師研究室設置補助_李思瑩_1071A04 | 主持人 |
| 專書 | 出刊日期 | 專書書名 | 作者 |
2018-09 | 基本護理實習手冊 | 酈欽菁;于會功;黎佳伶;廖珮宏;李思瑩;
| 2015-07 | 內外科臨床護理教戰手冊 | 林家綾;李思瑩;簡芷茵;于會功;楊嘉玲;
| 2010-09 | 內外科護理學筆記 | 李思瑩;
| 2009-10 | 內外科護理學精要 | 李思瑩;
| 專利 | 期間 | 專利名稱 | 證書號 | 發明人 |
2015-04-21 ~ 2024-10-02 | 可自主控制之便盆 | M499216 | 廖珮宏;邱飄逸;李思瑩;林沛儀; | 2014-06-11 ~ 2023-04-01 | 具方便抓握且可替換握把的巧手杯 | M479686 | 邱飄逸;廖珮宏;張涵雯;李思瑩; |
| 組織 | 擔任期間 | 機構 | 職務 |
2022-12-29 ~ 2026-12-29 | 台灣整合照護學會 | 推廣教育委員會委員 | 2016-12-22 ~ 2019-12-21 | 台灣整合照護學會 | 推廣教育委員會 |
| 編審 | 期間 | 期刊名稱 | 性質 |
2019-07-01 ~ 2020-07-01 | 台灣專科護理師學刊 | 編輯委員 |
| 榮譽 | 期間 | 榮譽名稱 | 舉辦國家 |
2021-12-20 ~ 2021-12-24 | 馬偕醫學院教學優良教材 | 台灣 | 2020-12-23 ~ 2022-12-24 | 馬偕醫學院教學優良教師 | 台灣 |
研究室分機 |
1313 |
電子郵件 |
szuying15@mmc.edu.tw |