職稱 |
教授兼系主任 |
主要學歷 |
碩 士
學 士
主要經歷 |
現職 |
教授 |
馬偕醫學院 |
護理學系 |
副教授 |
教學專長 |
成人護理學、腫瘤護理學、整合與輔助療法照護 |
研究專長 |
癌症照護、整合與輔助療法照護 |
學術期刊 | - Yin-Hui Hong, Chen-Jung Chen, Shu-fen Shen, Su-Chen Fang, Mei-Ling Lin, Sheng-Miauh Huang*. Effects of dance movement therapy on compassionate flow in nursing students: An experimental study. Heliyon. Vol.10(2024):1-9. Dec. 2024. (SCI/SCIE)
- Po‑Yuan Kuo, Ping‑Ho Chen, Shu‑Feng Tsai, Wan‑Ling Lin, Chia‑Tai Hung, Sheng‑Miauh Huang*. Psychometric evaluation of an adult post‑COVID‑19 symptom tool: a development and validation study. Scientific Reports. Vol.14-No.1:1-9. Jan. 2024. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3)
- Chen-Jung Chen, Huang-Ju Tsai, Mei-Yin Lee, Yi-Chang Chen, Sheng-Miauh Huang. Effects of a Moodle-based E-learning environment on E-collaborative learning, perceived satisfaction, and study achievement among nursing students: A cross-sectional study. Nurse Education Today. Vol.130:e105921. Nov. 2023. (SCI/SCIE)
- Ping-Ho Chen, Su Chen Fang, Szu-Ying Lee, Wan-Ling Lin, Shu-Feng Tsai, Sheng-Miauh Huang*. The Effect of Physical Activity on Body Constitution and Psychological Health in Older Adults: Evidence From an Analysis of a Biobank Research Database. JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. Vol.31-No.3:465-473. Jun. 2023. (SCI/SCIE) ( SDGs3)
- Su Chen Fang, Huang CY, Sheng-Miauh Huang, Shao YJ. Associations and relative risks of pulmonary hypertension and lung diseases in individuals with methamphetamine use disorder. Pulmonology. Vol.2023:eS2531-0437. Mar. 2023. (SCI/SCIE)
- Su Chen Fang, Chia-Chun Hung, Cheng-Yi Huang, Sheng-Miauh Huang, Yu-Hsuan Joni Shao. Influence of Baseline Psychiatric Disorders on Mortality and Suicide and Their Associations with Gender and Age in Patients with Methamphetamine Use Disorder. International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction. Vol.:1-14. Feb. 2023. (SCI/SCIE)
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Su-Chen Fang, Szu-Ying Lee, Pei-Jung Yu, Chen-Jung Chen, Yan-Si Lin. Effects of video-recorded role-play and guided reflection on nursing student empathy, caring behavior and competence: A two-group pretest-posttest study. Nurse Education in Practice. Vol.67:e103560. Feb. 2023. (SSCI)
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Ling-Ming Tseng, Pei‑Ju Lien. Effects of naturalistic decision-making model-based oncofertility care education for nurses and patients with breast cancer: a cluster randomized controlled trial. SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER. Vol.30:8313-8322. Jul. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Su‑Chen Fang, Chia‑Tai Hung, Yi‑Heng Chen. Psychometric evaluation of a nursing competence assessment tool among nursing students: a development and validation study. BMC Medical Education. Vol.22:e372 (2022). May. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
- Ping-Ho Chen, Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Jerry Cheng-Yen Lai, Wan-Ling Lin. Determinants of health-seeking behavior toward Chinese or Western medicine in Taiwan: An analysis of biobank research database. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. Vol.48:1-7. Apr. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Ling‑Ming Tseng, Ming‑Jeng Yang, Aria Chang, Pei‑Ju Lien, Yvonne Hsiung. Developing a web‑based oncofertility tool for reproductive‑age women with breast cancer based on social support framework. SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER. Vol.2022:6195-6204. Apr. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Jerry Cheng-Yen Lai, Chin-Ching Li, Ping-Ho Chen, Pei-Ju Lien, Ching-Ting Lien. Development and Validity Testing of an Assessment Tool for Oncofertility Barriers in Multidisciplinary Healthcare Providers on the Breast Cancer Team. JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH. Vol.30(2):e195. Apr. 2022. (SCI/SCIE)
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Teh-Sing Kao, Pei-Ju Lien, Pei-Ling Hsieh, Ping-Ho Chen, Ling-Ming Tseng. Oncofertility care: A qualitative study to understand personal perspectives and barriers in the multidisciplinary breast care team in Taiwan. Women's health. Vol.18:1-9. Jan. 2022. (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
- 朱翎甄, 陳萍和, 黃升苗*。 台灣老年人心血管疾病與痰瘀體質之相關性研究。 台北市中醫醫學雜誌。 27卷-2期:9-19。 9月 2021。 (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
- In-Fun Li, Sheng-Miauh Huang, Ching-Fang Lee, Yi-Heng Chen, Yvonne Hsiung. Perceptions of Behavioral Awareness, Intention, and Readiness for Advance Care Planning: A Mixed-Method Study among Older Indigenous Patients with Late-Stage Cancers in Remote Areas of Eastern Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol.18(16):e8665. Aug. 2021. (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
- 楊育淇, 陳萍和, 黃升苗*。 探討老年人陰/陽虛體質與心血管疾病相關性之研究。 台北市中醫醫學雜誌。 27卷-1期:27-34。 3月 2021。 (其他具同儕審查機制之期刊)
- Ling-Ming Tseng, Pei-Ju Lien, Chen-Yu Huang, Yi-Fang Tsai, Ta-Chung Chao, Sheng-Miauh Huang*. Developing a Web-Based Shared Decision-Making Tool for Fertility Preservation Among Reproductive-Age Women With Breast Cancer: An Action Research Approach. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH. Vol.23-No.3:1-10. Mar. 2021. (SCI/SCIE)
- Ching-Ting Lien, Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Yi Hua Chen, Wen-Ting Cheng. Evidenced-based practice of decision-making process in oncofertility care among registered nurses: A qualitative study. Nursing Open. Vol.8-No.2:799-807. Mar. 2021. (SSCI)
- Ping-Ho Chen , Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Jerry Cheng-Yen Lai , Pei-Jung Yu. Constitutions of Deficiency and Stasis of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Related Factors among Middle-Aged Women in Taiwan. EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE. Vol.2020:1-9. Oct. 2020. (SCI/SCIE)
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Ling-Ming Tseng, Jerry Cheng-Yen Lai, Yi-Fang Tsai, Pei-Ju Lien, Ping-Ho Chen. Impact of Symptom and Social Support on Fertility Intention in Reproductive-age Women with Breast Cancer. CLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH. Vol.29-No.6:411-418. Jul. 2020. (SSCI)
- Yuan‐Yuan Fang, Chia‐Tai Hung, Jui‐Chun Chan, Sheng‐Miauh Huang, Yun‐Hsiang Lee. Meta‐analysis: Exercise intervention for sleep problems in cancer patients. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE. Vol.28-No.5:1-18. Sep. 2019. (SSCI)
- Sheng‐Miauh Huang*, Ling‐Ming Tseng, Jerry Cheng‐Yen Lai, Pei‐Ju Lien, Ping‐Ho Chen. Infertility-related knowledge in childbearing-age women with breast cancer after chemotherapy. International Journal of Nursing Practice. Vol.25-No.5:1-8. Jul. 2019. (SSCI)
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Ling-Ming Tseng, Jerry Cheng-Yen Lai, Pei-Ju Lien, Ping-Ho Chen. Oncofertility to Evidence- Based Practice: Changes in Fertility Intention and Symptom Burden in Reproductive- Age Women With Breast Cancer. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. Vol.16-No.5:381-388. May. 2019. (SSCI)
- Ping-Ho Chen, Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Jerry Cheng-Yen Lai, Chen-Jei Tai, Li-Yin Chien, Yun-Hsiang Lee. Factors associated with seeking western or Chinese medical treatment for fertility among women with breast cancer in Taiwan. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Vol.38-No.6:904-910. Dec. 2018. (SCI/SCIE)
- Chin-Ching LI, Sheng-Miauh HUANG*, Jerry Cheng-Yen LAI, Yvonne HSIUNG, Yi-Heng CHEN, Ching-Fang LEE. Development and Validation of a Fertility Intention Scale in Breast Cancer Survivors. JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH. Vol.26-No.3:177-184. Jun. 2018. (SSCI)
- Hsieh, P. L., Huang, S. M.*, Chien, L. Y., Lee, C. F, Hsiung, Y., Tai, C. J.. Risk-Benefit Perception of Pregnancy among Breast Cancer Survivors. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE. Vol.27-No.2:1-10. Mar. 2018. (SSCI)
- Huang, S. M.*, Hsieh, P. L., Hsiung, Y., Tseng, L. M., Chen, P. H., Hung, C. T.. Decision-making process regarding fertility among reproductive-age women with cancer in Taiwan. CANCER NURSING. Vol.40-No.5:394-402. Sep. 2017. (SSCI)
- Lai, J. C. Y., Weng, C. S., Huang, S. M., Huang, N, Chou, Y. J., Wang, C. C., Wang, K. L.. Incidence and lifetime risk of uterine corpus cancer in Taiwanese women from 1991 to 2010. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Vol.56-No.1:68-72. Feb. 2017. (SCI/SCIE)
- Lai, J. C. Y., Chen, H. H., Huang, S. M., Wang, K. L., Huang, N., Hu, H. Y., Chou, Y.J.. In-hospital complications of vaginal versus laparoscopic-assisted benign hysterectomy among older women: a propensity matched cohort study. MENOPAUSE-THE JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN MENOPAUSE SOCIETY. Vol.23-No.11:1233-1238. Nov. 2016. (SCI/SCIE)
- Chung, H. W., Chien, L. Y., Huang, S. M., Tai, C. J., Tai, C. J.. Changes in Zheng and Health-Related Quality of Life in Cancer Patients before and After Chemotherapy. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Vol.36-No.3:326-331. Jun. 2016. (SCI/SCIE)
- Chen, P. H., Tai, C. J., Chien, L. Y., Lai, J. C. Y., Huang,S. M.*, Chen, Y. H.. Application of propensity scores to estimate the association between cardiovascular disease and meridian energy. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. Vol.8-No.3:198-203. Jun. 2016. (SCI/SCIE)
- Huang, S. M.*, Tseng, L. M., Chien, L. Y., Tai, C. J., Chen, P. H., Hung, C. T., Hsiung, Y.. Effects of Non-sporting and Sporting Qigong on Frailty and Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Vol.21:257-265. Mar. 2016. (SSCI)
- Chen, P. H. , Huang, S. M.*, Tai, C. J., Chien, L. Y., Lien, P. J, Chen, Y. H. Meditative Qigong Relieved Symptom Severity and Interference among Patients with Breast Carcinoma Receiving Chemotherapy. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. Vol.7-No.2015:617-622. Dec. 2015. (SCI/SCIE)
- Lai, J. C. Y. , Huang, N., Huang, S. M., Hu, H. Y., Wang, C. W., Chou, Y. J., Wang, K. L.. Decreasing trend of hysterectomy in Taiwan: A population-based study, 1997-2010.. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Vol.54-No.5:512-518. Oct. 2015. (SCI/SCIE)
- 黃升苗*, 王功亮, 戴承杰, 簡莉盈, 陳萍和, 賴政延. 女性癌症病患的生殖保護與治療. 台灣醫學. Vol.19-No.4:413-420. Aug. 2015. (臺灣其它具同儕審核機制之期刊)
- Huang, S. M., Chien, L. Y., Tai, C. J., Chen, P. H., Lien, P. J. , Tai, C. J.. Effects of symptoms and complementary and alternative medicine use on the yang deficiency pattern among breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Vol.23-No.2:233-241. Apr. 2015. (SCI)
- Huang, S. M., Tai, C. J., Lin, K. C., Tai, C. J., Tseng, L. M., Chien, L. Y. . A Comparative Study of Symptoms and Quality of Life Among Patients With Breast Cancer Receiving Target, Chemotherapy, or Combined Therapy.. Cancer Nursing. Vol.2012:1-10. Jun. 2013. (SCI)
- Lai, J. C. Y., Chou,Y. J., Huang, N., Tsai, J. J., Huang, S. M., Yang Y. C., , Chang,C. L., Wang K. L.. The survival analysis of stages IIA1 and IIA2 cervical cancer patients. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Vol.52-No.1:33-38. Mar. 2013. (SCI)
- Huang, S.M. , Chien, L.Y. , Tai, C.J ., Chiou, J.F., Chen, C. S., Tai, C. J.. Effectiveness of three-week intervention of Shi Quan Da Bu Tang for alleviating hematotoxicity among patients with breast carcinoma receiving chemotherapy. Integrative Cancer Therapies. Vol.12-No.2:136-144. Mar. 2013. (SCI)
- Huang, S. M., Chien, L. Y., Tai, C. J., Tseng, L. M., Chen, P. H., Tai, C. J. . Increases in xu zheng and yu zheng among patients with breast cancer receiving different anticancer drug therapies.. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Vol.2013:1-9. Jan. 2013. (SCI)
- Huang, S. M., Chien, L. Y., Chang, C. C., Chen, P. H., Tai, C. J.. Abnormal Gastroscopy Findings Were Related to Lower Meridian Energy. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Vol.2011:1-7. Jan. 2011. (SCI)
- 李穎俐, 徐少慧, 黃升苗. 降低護理部人力招募工時之專案. 慈濟護理雜誌. Vol.7-No.1:94-106. Jan. 2008. (臺灣其它具同儕審核機制之期刊)
- 許素珍, 黃升苗*, 陳一伶. 影響加護病房護理人員執行病患身體約束行為之因素. 長庚護理. Vol.17-No.4:399-407. Dec. 2006. (臺灣其它具同儕審核機制之期刊)
- Huang, S. M., Lee, C. H., Chien, L. Y., Liu, C. J., Tai, C. J. . Postoperative quality of life among patients with thyroid cancer. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Vol.47-No.5:492-499. Sep. 2004. (SSCI)
- 黃升苗, 陳綉琴, 莊銀清, 許素珍. 醫院護理人員尖銳物品傷害之探討. 感染控制雜誌. Vol.14-No.2:86-91. Apr. 2004. (臺灣其它具同儕審核機制之期刊)
- 鍾正姮, 陳绣琴, 黃升苗. 手術室護理人員滿意度調查. 長庚護理. Vol.15-No.1:15-21. Mar. 2004. (臺灣其它具同儕審核機制之期刊)
| 研討會 | - Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Su-Chen Fang, Szu-Ying Lee, Pei-Jung Yu, Chen-Jung Chen, Yan-Si Lin. Effects of video recorded role play and guided reflection on nursing student empathy, caring behavior, and competence: A two group pretest posttest study.. 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFON2023). Mar. 2023.
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Su-Chen Fang, Chia-Tai Hung, Yi-Heng Chen. Psychometric evaluation of a nursing competence assessment tool among nursing students: A development and validation study.. 7th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science. Oct. 2022.
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Ling-Ming Tseng, Ming-Jeng Yang, Aria Chang, Pei-Ju Lien, Yvonne Hsiung . Developing a web-based tool for fertility preservation among women with breast cancer: Based on social support theory.. 2021 Taipei International Breast Cancer Symposium. Oct. 2021.
- Ping-Ho Chen , Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Jerry Cheng-Yen Lai , Pei-Jung Yu . Factors Associated With Xu and Yu Zhengs of Chinese Medicine in Middle-Aged Women in Taiwan. 2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference. Sep. 2020.
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Ling-Ming Tseng, Jerry Cheng-Yen Lai, Pei-Ju Lien, Ping-Ho Chen. Changes in fertility intention and symptom burden in reproductive-age women with breast cancer. The 30th International Nursing Research Congress. Jul. 2019.
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Teh-Sing Kao, Pei-Ju Lien, Pei-Ling Hsieh, Ling-Ming Tseng, Ping-Ho Chen. Clinical Dilemma of Oncofertility Care Experienced by Health-care Providers in Taiwan. 28th World Nursing Care and Cancer Science Congress. Apr. 2019.
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Ling-Ming Tseng, Jerry Cheng-Yen Lai, Yi-Fang Tsai, Pei-Ju Lien, Ping-Ho Chen. Impact of Symptom and Social Support on Fertility Intention in Reproductive-age Women with Breast Cancer.. 2018 ISESS: International Symposium on Education and Social Sciences. Jun. 2018.
- Sheng-Miauh Huang*, Ling-Ming Tseng, Jerry Cheng-Yen Lai, Pei-Ju Lien, Ping-Ho Chen. Exploring the knowledge of infertility among childbearing-age women with breast cancer in Taiwan. 21th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) & 11th International Nursing Conference. Jan. 2018.
- Ping-Ho Chen, Jerry Cheng-Yen Lai, Chen-Jei Tai, Li-Yin Chien, Hsueh-Wen Chung, Sheng-Miauh Huang*. The use of complementary and alternative medicine in pregnancy preparation among women with breast cancer in Taiwan. Breast cancer summit 2017. May. 2017.
- Huang, S. M.*, Hsieh, P. L., Tseng, L. M., Tseng, L. M., Chen, P. H., Hung, C. T. . The decision-making process of pregnancy among reproductive-age women with cancer in Taiwan. MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer. Jun. 2016.
- Hsieh, P. L., Huang, S. M., Li, C. C.. Influence on the factors of fertility desires after reproductive-age women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.. Optimizing Healthcare Quality: Teamwork in Education, Research and Practice.. Jun. 2016.
- Hsieh, P. L., Huang, S. M.*, Chien, L. Y., Tseng, L. M., Lee, C. F., Tai, C. J.. Considerations for Pregnancy among Breast Cancer Survivors.. 19th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS). Mar. 2016.
- Huang, S. M.*, Tai, C. J., Chien, L. Y., Tseng, L. M., Chen, P. H., Hung, C. T. . The Effect of Energy Intervention on Frailty and Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Patients during Chemotherapy. International Concil of Nursing Congress 2015. Jun. 2015.
- Chen, P. H., Huang, S. M.*, Tai, C. J., Chien, L. Y., Lien, P. J, Chen, Y. H.. Qigong Training Relieved Symptom Severity and Interference among Patients with Breast Carcinoma Receiving Chemotherapy. International Concil of Nursing Congress 2015. Jun. 2015.
- Lien, P. J., , Hung, S. H., Huang, S. M., Lin, I. Y., Hsu, H. M., Tsai, P. P.. Applying Seamless Care to Increase the Revisited Rate among Patients with Abnormal Mammography. Asia Pacific Nursing Research Conference 2014. Sep. 2014.
- Chen, P. H., Tai, C. J., Chien, L. Y., Huang, S. M.*. Application of Propensity Scores to Estimate the Association between Cardiovascular Disease and Meridian Energy. Sigma Theta Tau International's 25st International Nursing Research Congress. Jul. 2014.
- Huang, S. M., Chien, L. Y., Chen, P. H., Tai, C. J.. The change of meridian energy and symptoms among the breast cancer patients with chemotherapy. Sigma Theta Tau International's 25st International Nursing Research Congress. Jul. 2014.
- Huang, S. M.*, Chien, L. Y., Tai, C. J.. Diabetes and Meridian Energy. Sigma Theta Tau International's 21st International Nursing Research Congress. Jul. 2010.
- Huang, S. M., Chien, L. Y., Tai, C. J.. Abnormal Gastroscopy Findings Were Related to Lower Meridian Energy. International Concil of Nursing Congress 2009. Jun. 2009.
| 計畫 | 計畫起訖年月 | 計畫名稱 | 擔任職務 |
2024-08~2025-07 | 以時限性自我調節理論為基礎建構合適乳癌荷爾蒙治療婦女之照護方案及評價其對健康行為之成效:系列性研究 | 主持人 | 2024-08~2025-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款(B)_MMC-RD-113-1B-P002_黃升苗 | 主持人 | 2024-01~2024-07 | 深耕A-1_113年度_校內研究補助_黃升苗_MOExMMC-AA-112-2TG-P001 | 主持人 | 2023-08~2024-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款(B)_MMC-RD-112-1B-P001_黃升苗 | 主持人 | 2023-08~2023-12 | 深耕A-1_112年度_校內研究補助_黃升苗_MOExMMC-AA-112-1TG-P001 | 主持人 | 2023-08~2024-07 | 舞蹈運動治療對乳癌病人化學治療相關症狀及衰弱之成效:隨機臨床試驗 | 主持人 | 2023-01~2023-07 | 111年度_校內研究補助_黃升苗_MOExMMC-AA-111-2TG-P001 | 主持人 | 2022-08~2023-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款(B)_MMC-RD-111-1B-P001_黃升苗 | 主持人 | 2022-08~2022-12 | 深耕1-7_111年度_校內研究補助_黃升苗_MOExMMC-AA-111-1TG-P001 | 主持人 | 2022-08~2023-07 | 發展乳癌周全性衰弱評估工具及運動訓練網路平台介入之成效探討:隨機臨床試驗 | 主持人 | 2022-02~2022-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款(B)_MMC-RD-110-2B-P001_黃升苗 | 主持人 | 2021-08~2022-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款(B)_MMC-RD-110-1B-P003_黃升苗 | 主持人 | 2021-08~2022-07 | 教師校內專題研究計畫(C)_MMC-RD-110-1C-P001_黃升苗 | 主持人 | 2020-08~2021-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款(B)_1091B07_黃升苗 | 主持人 | 2020-08~2021-12 | 運用支持理論架構改善乳癌育齡婦女之心理健康:以隨機試驗研究探討腫瘤生育決策支持行動應用程式之成效 | 主持人 | 2019-08~2020-07 | 探討台灣不同性別族群虛證與瘀證的盛行率及其相關因素研究 | 主持人 | 2019-08~2020-07 | 智慧醫療乳癌疾病管理系統建置 | 共同主持人 | 2019-08~2020-07 | 校外計畫獎助款_黃升苗_1081B04 | 主持人 | 2018-08~2019-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款_黃升苗_1071B10 | 主持人 | 2018-01~2018-12 | 護理人員對癌症育齡婦女接受生殖保護的照護經驗 | 主持人 | 2017-08~2018-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款_黃升苗_1061B07 | 主持人 | 2017-08~2019-09 | 探討無縫照護模式對改善乳癌育齡婦女生殖決策困擾之成效 | 主持人 | 2016-08~2017-07 | 校外研究計畫獎助款_黃升苗
_1051B06 | 主持人 | 2015-08~2017-07 | 探討女性癌症病患對生殖保護的決策經驗及其影響因素(3/3) | 主持人 | 2014-08~2017-07 | 探討女性癌症病患對生殖保護的決策經驗及其影響因素 | 主持人 | 2013-08~2014-07 | 乳癌病患化療後的經絡能量、衰老及生活品質之相關性及能量介入措施之成效探討 | 主持人 | 2013-01~2013-12 | 醫學中心附設安寧療護機構型態之癌末患者接受緩和安寧照護成效之現況與相關因素探討 | 共同主持人 | 2012-02~2013-07 | 以病例對照法探討糖尿病患者的經絡能量 | 主持人 |
| 編審 | 期間 | 期刊名稱 | 性質 |
2021-04-01 ~ 2021-04-28 | JMIR Cancer | 審查委員 | 2021-02-01 ~ 2021-02-28 | Complementary Therapies in Medicine | 審查委員 | 2021-01-01 ~ 2021-12-31 | 安泰醫護雜誌 | 審查委員 | 2020-06-01 ~ 2020-06-28 | Clinical Nursing Research | 審查委員 | 2020-01-01 ~ 2020-12-31 | 安泰醫護雜誌 | 審查委員 | 2020-01-01 ~ 2020-01-31 | European Journal of Oncology Nursing | 審查委員 | 2019-05-01 ~ 2019-05-31 | Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine | 審查委員 | 2019-01-01 ~ 2019-12-31 | 安泰醫護雜誌 | 審查委員 |
研究室分機 |
1316 |
電子郵件 |
r910862@mmc.edu.tw |